New Sanitizing Strategies With Greater Focus on driver Health and Safety


 I hope this note finds you and your loved ones safe and healthy. As these uncertain times continue to unfold, we remain passionate about transporting clientele in a clean, safe way.  Since the onset of this pandemic, Gem has focused our resources on addressing the most urgent challenges posed by COVID-19 and adapting to the needs of our “new normal.”  Many things will be different going forward and we are prepared to remain flexible and educated on the situation at hand to provide the best service possible to our loyal customers. 

As an industry leader for over 44 years, we understand our responsibility to establish protocols and standards to put all passengers at ease when getting into our vehicles.  Our goal is to ease all concerns and to provide transparency as we move forward. 

I can promise our commitment to providing clean vehicles, professionally trained and uniformed chauffeurs, top of the line technology, and dedicated knowledgeable staff has not been altered.  We are taking these challenges presented to us today, as an opportunity to grow and perfect our experience.  Although we do not know how quickly travel will bounce back, we are prepared for the heightened sensitivity to health safety and are doing everything in our power to put our customers at ease.

Going forward, all communications and procedures will be easily accessible by visiting www.JFKAirportCarService.Org.  Should you have a specific question or requirement that is not listed we welcome all feedback to be sent to or any of your direct contacts.

Thank you for your continued loyalty and support and we are looking forward to the days ahead of us. 


President, Alan Schneider



§  In addition to the standard cleaning, washing and detailing of our vehicles, between each ride, passenger areas and touch-points are wiped down with a cleaning agent that meet EPA standards located here

§  We have purchased the EMist Electrostatic Disinfectant system and our entire fleet will be disinfected utilizing this technology.  As an ongoing protocol, at the end of each shift, electrostatic spraying will now be a part of the standard vehicle cleaning procedure.  To learn more about this system, visit EMist here.

§  In the event of a potential COVID-19 carrier was in one of our vehicles, the vehicle will be removed from service for 48 hours (twice the amount recommended by the CDC) and thoroughly sanitized with our electrostatic disinfectant system

§  Passengers will ride comfortably knowing the vehicle they are riding in has gone through an extensive disinfecting process and all passenger touchpoints have been disinfected prior to their vehicle entry.  Our vehicles undergo enhanced cleaning exceeding industry guidance before any guest enters our vehicles


§ Chauffeurs will remain outfitted in our standard uniform requirement of a black suit and company tie, with added N95 mask or equivalent and nitrile gloves

§ On each shift, chauffeurs will be equipped with ample supply of:

o    Face Masks

o    Disposable Nitrile Gloves

o    Hand Sanitizer

o    Disinfectant Wipes

§ Chauffeurs will put on a new pair of Nitrile gloves prior to each ride and handling passenger’s luggage, carry-on bags, and personal belongings.  All passengers will be offered the option to handle their own bags should they prefer their belongings not to be touched.  Hand Sanitizer will be offered to all guest upon entry in a vehicle

§ Each vehicle will be equipped with a protective barrier between the front and rear areas of the vehicle to provide heightened protected between the chauffeur and passengers

§ Upon arrival at their destination, chauffeurs will ensure they are wearing a pair of Nitrile gloves before opening any passenger doors and before touching any of our passenger’s belongings

§ We will discourage the use of the front passenger seat to accommodate social distancing initiatives.

§ Chauffeurs are instructed to follow guidelines to keep a 6-foot minimum distance from passengers whenever possible

§ In the event we discover a COVID-19 positive case among our chauffeurs or passengers, we will proactively notify all passengers or employees whom the infected party was in contact with beginning two days prior to the onset of symptoms to 14 days after onset of symptoms


§ Hand sanitizer and sanitizing wipes will be offered to passengers as needed

§ Bottled water will no longer be placed in the rear passenger area of the vehicle and will be available upon request

§ Magazines, newspaper and other literature will no longer be in the rear passenger area of the vehicle to mitigate the risk of contamination and minimize common touchpoints

§ Passenger will be asked to wear masks upon entry of our vehicles.  In the event a passenger needs a mask, these may be available upon request

§ Universal phone charges will continue to be offered but will be sanitized before and after the completion of each trip


§ We are actively working on communicating and documenting protocols with our entire affiliate network.  We are committed to these processes as a standard in all markets we serve.  Our affiliates will be required to have reviewed, provide input, and sign off on implementing these processes in their respective market.


§ Point of Entry “POE” signage will be posted at main entrances reminding all employees that entry is not permitted should they be showing any symptoms of COVID-19 (list of symptoms displayed) and to contact their supervisor before entering the building if they are experiencing these symptoms

§ Temperature kiosks will be set up to monitor employee’s temperature prior to the start of their shifts

§ Touchless hand sanitizer stations are set up throughout our location

§ Informational signage to reinforce training details are placed throughout our office, which includes:

§ Instruction on proper use and disposal of masks and gloves

§ How to effectively wash hands

§ Reminders to avoid touching the nose, eyes, and face

§ Standard social distancing practices

§ To accommodate greater physical distancing recommendations, employees may be asked to work from home on a rotating schedule as needed

§ Employee breaks and lunches will be staggered to allow for social distancing requirements and avoid congregating in common areas

§ Cleaning crews will thoroughly clean office location daily and will utilize electrostatic spraying routinely to further disinfect all workspaces


§ Internal staff will be required to wear Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”)while inside our facility 

§ Continual training will be held on how to properly utilize and dispose of PPE equipment

§ We will have a supply of PPE equipment which will be provided to employees as needed

§ Employees will be responsible for sanitizing and wiping down work areas and any shared equipment as the start and end of each shift

§ Training will be held to educate on the practice of social distancing and will be encouraged to be followed, always, including off-duty time

§ Employees are instructed to stay home if they do not feel well.  Should and employee exhibits the symptoms of COVID-19 they have been instructed to immediately notify a supervisor and their progress will be monitored accordingly to determine their return to work status.

§ All employees have been provided information on how to self-evaluate and have been provided the link to the May Clinic COVID-19 self-assessment test located here

§ Should an employee be exposed to COVID-19 they have been instructed to contact their physician to immediately schedule testing.  During this time, employees will be instructed to work from home until results are received.  If the test is negative, they will be permitted to return to work.  Positive testing will result in a necessary quarantine scenario

§ All employees have state-mandated paid sick leave and are protected under FMLA should they become ill or need to care for a loved one who is sick



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